Il bene comune nella concezione liberale

Contenuto principale dell'articolo

Dario Antiseri


The author wonders whether, when faced with the “wounds” of society – injustice, exploitation, violence, cruelty and wars – there is only one face to put in the dock: the liberal conception of society. Or whether the “wounds” of an unjust, cruel and corrupt society spring from a systematic trampling of liberal principles, from a tenacious refusal of the liberal conception of the State. In this regard, the author considers some schools of thought that are profoundly linked: ordoliberalism and the social market economy, through the works of Wilhelm Röpke, Luigi Einaudi and Walter Eucken, and the Austrian school of economics, reporting on the thought of Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich August von Hayek.

Dettagli dell'articolo

Come citare
Il bene comune nella concezione liberale. (2022). Power and Democracy, 4(2), 29-35.
Sezione Monografica

Come citare

Il bene comune nella concezione liberale. (2022). Power and Democracy, 4(2), 29-35.