Zhang Weiying A perspective on the chinese transition

Contenuto principale dell'articolo

Elena Crociani


When it comes to explaining the causal nexus behind the Chinese economic development of the last forty years, mistakes and misconceptions are significantly common. The professor and economist Zhang Weiying explains how the terms “because of” and “in spite of” are frequently confused, and the economic success of the Country is wrongly attributed to the CCP’s strong leadership and the powerful state sector. In his view, in spite of that China made good economic progress, because of an expansion of the free market and the entrepreneurial class. This essay analyzes Zhang Weiying’s perspective on the economic dynamics of the reform and brings attention to his unique theories on the challenges, prospects, and hopes for the future development of China. 

Dettagli dell'articolo

Come citare
Zhang Weiying: A perspective on the chinese transition . (2022). Power and Democracy, 4(2), 39-51. https://ojs.aduei.com/index.php/pad/article/view/33
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Come citare

Zhang Weiying: A perspective on the chinese transition . (2022). Power and Democracy, 4(2), 39-51. https://ojs.aduei.com/index.php/pad/article/view/33